Hi Friends,
The other day, my husband and I were walking along the shore of Lake Tahoe, and I asked him when the last time was that he did something for the first time. He said, “I hadn’t been to Bolivia before; that was a first,” referring to our recent trip to South America, and I thought about how as adults, we do fewer things for the first time than when we are children. Certainly travel is one of the places we experience many new things, and for that reason, travel extends our lives, meaning that these new experiences make our lives seem longer. Who hasn’t been on a trip when a day feels like a week or a week feels like a month?
But also, intentionally doing new things for the first time, even when we aren’t traveling, can make our lives seem longer (or at the very least, more interesting). We’re going to do a writing exercise around this idea of recent firsts, but also, why not think about one new thing you can add to your week and commit to it? Maybe there’s a place in your hometown you have always thought about visiting, a class you could take, a type of food you have never eaten, or a new hobby you could try? If you would like to be held accountable for doing this new thing, let us know in the comments what you plan to do or try this week. It may give you something interesting to write about!
Speaking of travel (and travel writing), I’m offering a one-hour virtual Travel Writing Workshop on Thursday, January 23 from 4:00-5:00 PST, which is FREE for paying subscribers. Look for the link in your email. Non-paying subscribers are welcome to join us for $50. Please let me know if you would like to join us!